Why your teeth are sensitive to hot and cold foods

Teeth sensitivity can happen when consuming too many cold or hot drinks and food and is one of the most common problems which patients can experience.

What are the symptoms of teeth sensitivity?

Hyper sensitivity in teeth can be caused by; unhealthy habits,  dental disease, and other illnesses, as well as restorative dental work and prosthetic interventions.

Reasons why teeth may be hyper sensitive:

  • Consuming too many processed drinks and acidic foods which can lead to erosion of the enamel and exposure of the dentinal tubules from the dentin.
  • Decay-  sensitivity can lead to thermal irritation causing pain when chewing, indicating that decay is present.
  • Gum disease- accumulated dental plaque around and in between teeth and gingivitis is an indication of gum disease which produces sensitivity to cold.
  • Forceful brushing of the teeth- the use of toothbrushes with hard bristles and forceful brushing of the teeth, can damage the enamel and erodes the dental channels, which causes sensitivity to warm and cold food and drinks.
  • Grinding and clenching of teeth- this condition, named Bruxism, damages the teeth enamel which can also be a factor which contributes to sensitivity to hot and cold.
  • Receding gingiva- the receding of the gingiva occurs when the part of the gum around the base of the teeth is eroded and can cause periodontal disease and can also be caused by forceful brushing.
  • Other factors can erode the nerve in the tooth which causes greater sensitivity to hot and cold food.

Preventative measures and interventions

  • Reducing consumption of acidic and processed food and drinks.
  • Using toothbrushes with soft or extra soft bristles and brushing without force.
  • Using sensitive toothpaste
  • Using a mouth rinse which has fluoride so sensitivity can be reduced.
  • Regular dental checkups of restorative and prosthetic interventions
  • Using a mouthguard if you grind or clench your teeth.

Until next reading…

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