


Correct way to brush your teeth

Whilst it may appear easy and straightforward, there are always corrective measures in how we can brush our teeth. Teeth brushing is one of the essential ways in which we maintain oral hygiene.  Here are some tips in how to correctly brush your teeth. The choice and quality of toothbrush is very important when brushing.  […]

brush, hygiene, smile, teeth,



Bad habits for your teeth

Each one of us has individual everyday habits. Some of them can have negative effects on oral and general health. In the following text we will identify the most common bad habits which affect oral health. To maintain healthy teeth, it is important to brush them twice a day as a minimum, with a soft […]

healthy teeth, ideas, preventative measures,



Why your teeth are sensitive to hot and cold foods

Teeth sensitivity can happen when consuming too many cold or hot drinks and food and is one of the most common problems which patients can experience. What are the symptoms of teeth sensitivity? Hyper sensitivity in teeth can be caused by; unhealthy habits,  dental disease, and other illnesses, as well as restorative dental work and […]

pain, sensitive teeth, teeth,



Halitosis (bad breath)

Halitosis appears as bad breath in the mouth cavity and is present in 25% of the world’s population.  This condition can affect self-esteem, cause embarrassment and in some cases anxiety, even though in most cases it is easy to treat. The most common cause of Halitosis is bad oral hygiene.  After decay and gum disease, […]

breath, causes, mouth, teeth,
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